
SSIS Wifi Access (Wi-Fi)


Select the Wi-Fi network for your building. For Grades 1-4 it will be SSIS-B. For Grade 5 it is SSIS-A.


Enter your SSIS username and password and check 'Remember this network'.


Select the appropriate Wifi network

Configure as below picture with your username and password


Parents can use the SSISParents SSID to access the wifi. 

Enter your parent ID username and password.  If you forgot your password you can change it here.


All other guests are required to register with their NAME and EMAIL.  A sponsored email must come from ssis.edu.vn domain and also as part of the guest ambassador or admin of Meraki.  Currently we have allocated Chau Nguyen (receptionist) as the only guest ambassador.  All other Meraki administrators can also approve guest requests.

Another thing that is different: the guest must accept the term of usage before submission.

The time limit of use for this session is one day.  After that, the user must register again.


Connecting to an Open Network

During the first week of school, SSIS provides an open Wi-Fi network for students who need to reset their SSIS Login Password.  The name of the Wi-Fi network should be 'G4-5'.  Alternatively, look for a Wi-Fi network that does not have the padlock symbol to the right.

- On a post-it note, write down a secure password that you would like to use for your SSIS Google / network account. It must be between 8 and 14 characters long and contain a mixture of letters and numbers with no spaces.


- Connect to the G4-5 network (see below).


Now move on to 'Resetting Your SSIS Password'.