This instruction shows how to change your account password
Navigate to
To change your password
Step 1: Enter your username, old password, and new password
Step 2: Click I'm not a robot and follow the CAPCHA instruction (if required)
Step 3: Click Submit, and your password will be changed.
To reset your password
(only applied for parents accounts)
If you are faculty and staff or student, please contact ICT support.
If you are parents please follow below instruction:
Step 1: Click HERE
Step 2: Enter your username OR email address that your registered with SSIS, and click Reset password.
Step 3: Your Verification Code will be sent to your email, open the mail and click "Click here to reset password".
Note: Reset token is only AVAILABLE within 30 minutes and can be used ONCE.
Step 4: After the above step will open a new web page, enter new password twice, make sure it is matched and click Submit.