
4. Preparing Your Tests User Account Before Taking The Test

Please note that a teacher will need to project this page on the large screen for students to follow.

Some students will see all steps, some will only see some. Please be patient and wait for everyone to catch up.

Step 1: Log out of the current user on your computer (Apple menu  >> Log Out...).

Step 2: Log in to your tests user account using the password you created.

Step 3: If you see the screen below about Accessibility, click 'Not Now' or 'Continue'.


Step 4: Click 'Continue' on the Data Privacy screen.


Step 5: Leave the Analytics check box empty and click 'Continue'.


Step 6: If you see the 'Screen Time' screen, choose 'Set Up Later'.

Step 7: Enable Ask Siri and click 'Continue'

Step 8: Choose 'English (United States)' and click 'Continue'.


If you see a 'Set Up Hey Siri' screen like the one below, choose 'Set Up "Hey Siri" Later', then click continue.

Step 9: Choose 'Not Now' on the dictation screen, then click 'Continue'.

If you see a Touch ID screen like the one below, click 'Continue'.

Step 10: If you see the 'Place Your Finger' notice for Touch ID, click 'Set Up Touch ID Later'.

Click 'Continue' to confirm that you want to set up Touch ID later.


Step 11: Choose your look (Light works best) then click 'Continue'.

Step 12: If you see the 'True Tone Display' screen, click 'Continue'.


Your screen will either look something like this for a few seconds while it sets up your Mac, or it will go straight to the desktop.


Step 13: Make sure Wi-Fi is switched on and select the Wi-Fi for you building, eg. SSIS-A or SSIS-B.

Step 14: Type in your SSIS (GMail) username and password, then click 'Join'.

Step 15: On the 'Verify Certificate' screen, click 'Continue'.

Step 16: On the next screen, type in the admin password for the 'tests' user account, then click 'Update Settings'.

Step 17: Open Safari and go to the school website (ssis.edu.vn) to make sure your internet is working.


Step 18: Open Finder, go to Applications and double click the 'ERB Secure Browser' application to open it. Click 'Open' if you see a box like the one below.



The ERB Secure Browser should open and your screen should look like the one below.

Step 20: Press Close (top right) to exit the test browser. You will be prompted with the message below These instructions are for a Windows PC. You will need to hold down shift + fn + control + option then tap the F10 (mute button) on your keyboard.


Step 21: Once you have closed the ERB Secure Browser, you may now log out of your 'tests' user account (Apple menu  >> Log Out...)