
Using Google Calendar

Understanding Google Calendar

How to identify main elements of Google Calendar:

  1. Use different views on the top right and the mini-calendar on the top left to check your calendar.

  1. Add school calendars here. (Go to the LINK page - Faculty and Staff - Full Calendar for Faculty)

  2. Search feature (placed on top of the page).


Share Calendars

To share your calendar with everybody:

  1. In the calendar list on the left, click on the down-arrow button next to the appropriate calendar, then select Share this calendar.

  2. Select “Share this calendar with others”.

  3. Select “Share this calendar with everyone in the organization Saigon South International School”.

  4. Select See only free/busy (hide details) and Click Save.


Schedule an event

You can schedule a meeting by clicking the Create button or by clicking anywhere on your calendar.

  1. Open Google Calendar.

  2. Do either of the following:


Option 1: In the upper-left of your calendar, click Create to open the event details page.




Option 2: Or, click a spot on your calendar to create a 1-hour event. Click and drag to create an event of more than 1 hour. Then type the event title in the box. Here’s an example:


Click Create Event to immediately publish the event, or click Edit event to add more details to the event.

  1. Enter details, such as recurrence, guests, an agenda, and a reminder.

  2. Click Save.

Sending Invitations

  1. Go to the event details page of your meeting.

  2. In the Add: Guests section on the right side of the page, enter the first few letters of a guest's full name to look up the address in your corporate directory.

  1. Select the guest to add him or her to your Guests list.

  2. Optionally, select options in the Guests can section to allow or prevent guests from changing event details, inviting more people to your event, or viewing who else was invited.

   5.  Google Calendar asks you whether you want to send invitations to the guests. Your guests can respond to the meeting invitation and leave comments

   6.  Use the Find a time tab. You can see how your proposed event time (in the blue box) works for each guest.






Book a room or other resource for your meeting

  1. Go to the event details page of your meeting.

  2. In the Add: section, click Rooms, etc.


  3. Browse the list to find the room or other resource you want to book.


  1. Use the Find a time tab. You can see how your proposed event time (in the blue box) works for the Resource Calendar.


Add a Resource Calendar

  1. Go to Other Calendars > select the tiny down arrow > Browse Interesting Calendars > More > Resource for ssis.edu.vn

  2. Select the BldgA > BldgA-Lab > Subscribe to the iPad Calendars (there are four total)

Set a reminder for your meeting

  1. Open your meeting.

  2. Under Reminders, choose the type of reminder you want (pop-up or email message) and when you want to receive it.

Print your calendar (optional)

  1. Make sure only the calendars you want to print are highlighted in your list under My Calendars. If not, simply click the calendars to select or deselect them.

  2. At the top of the calendar view, select the time frame you want to print; for example, select Day or Week.

  3. Click More, and then select Print from the drop-down menu. In the Calendar Print Preview window, you can choose a font size, page orientation, and other options.

  4. Select the options you want, and then click Print.