
Online Tools Overview


Here are all the online tools in use at Saigon South International School. You can find short descriptions of their characteristics and intended purpose. Please note that each tool may have different purposes and availability, depending on your role at the school.


Reset Password Password reset and recover


The place to find all information regarding the sports programs for SSIS students.
eNews School news site. Articles and updates on activities, latest events, initiatives, etc. Intended as an easy place to stay on top of what is happening at SSIS.
Google Calendar Time-management web application offered by Google. 
Google Drive  Collaborative documents, spreadsheets, and slideshow creation linked to your SSIS account.
Google Mail SSIS email system.
Library Online access to our library catalog, plus a lot of interesting links straight from the Librarians.
Plex Media Server On-campus storage of multimedia educational resources (movies, videos, music, other audio)

PowerSchool Learning


Online course system. Course content, assessment calendar, and communication with your teacher and classmates within each specific course.
PowerSchool-Student/Parent Login The Parent Portal is an instrumental communication component of PowerSchool that empowers family members to engage, and thereby maintain a stake, in each child’s education by allowing parents to access and view attendance, grades, and other information related to the student.
School Calendar School Calendar


Software system for managing after school activities and parent-teacher conference


Announcements - HS Student High School Student Announcements
Announcements - MS Student Middle School Student Announcements
CK-12 CK-12 Foundation provides a library of free online textbooks, videos, exercises, flashcards, and real-world applications
House Leagues Date point standings for the high school house leagues.
Khan Academy

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.


Planning, assessment and reporting platform for the IB continuum.

PowerSchool-Student Login Online grade book and assessment information. Use this to find out your grades!
Print Balance On campus - Printer balance information


Online plagiarism detection, grammar check, grading tool.


VoiceThread is an interactive collaboration and sharing tool that enables users to add images, documents, and videos, and to which other users can add voice, text, audio file, or video comments


Faculty and Staff Link Faculty-only area of the Link.

Faculty and Staff Directory

 listing of names, email addresses, and phone numbers of the faculty and staff 
IB Online Curriculum Centre International Baccalaureate Curriculum Centre
Ophea Teaching Tools Health Curriculum Material
PowerTeacher Online gradebook, attendance and assessment management.

External Media

Picasa Web Albums

Image hosting and sharing web service
SSIS Flickr SSIS content in Flickr, an external photo-publishing service.
SSIS YouTube SSIS content on YouTube, an external video-publishing service.
SSIS on Facebook SSIS official page on Facebook.
SSIS on Twitter SSIS official page on Twitter
SSIS on Instagram SSIS official page on Instagram
SSIS on Wikipedia SSIS official page on Wikipedia.