
Meeting and Event Procedures

Steps to be followed for Meeting or Event on Campus

  1. Plan the event and share the idea with the Division Principal.
  2. Contact the Facilities Manager for Event APPROVAL. Please seek approval early (more than 2 weeks for a large event). Please note that not all events will be approved (based on the availability of support staff, timing, and other events happening). 
  3. Create an invitation for parents- two weeks in advance
    1. Create Google Form for registration, see the example below of needed information.
    2. Include rules for mask-wearing.
    3. Inform participants that no drinks or snacks are allowed.
    4. Inform parents of the need to register (no registration = no attendance)
    5. Remind parents that they need their SSIS ID or photo ID to enter the campus.
  4. If your parent group is more than 5 people, contact the Health Office Manager -- at least a week in advance
    1. Share plan and numbers for the event.
    2. Make copies of the most current Health Questionnaire. Parents who have traveled OUTSIDE HCMC in the last 14 days will need to complete this form at the point of entry. Each parent is asked this question at the gate.
    3. If numbers require, arrange for temperature takers/ helpers (Lisa will help decide if the thermoscanner or handheld thermometers are needed.)
    4. Arrange for extra masks, thermometers, supplies -- get these from the Health Office
  5. Create a visitor list
    1. Share Google Form spreadsheet with the Facilities Manager at least 24 hours in advance.
    2. Submit a hard copy (following the format below) to Main Entrance Security Booth at least 24 hours in advance
      1. Include date, time, and location of the event
      2. Include contact person for the event with email and mobile number
      3. Include parents’ names and email addresses and mobile number
    3. Arrange for helpers/escorts to check the visitor list at the entrance.
    4. After all the parents are checked in please give the completed attendance form to Security at the Main Gate.
  6. Arrange for Signage to event
    1. Ensure that parents only go to the event location
    2. Provide support to guide parents to the event on the day of the event


Visitor List Example

Event Name and description

Date and Time of Event

Location on Campus

Event Contact Name, Email, Mobile

Parent Name

Parent Email