Google Takeout is a tool that allows users to export their data to a downloadable zip file.
You can export and download your data from the Google products you use, such as your:
- Documents
- Calendar
- Photos
- YouTube videos
- Data about registration and account activity
Steps to run a Google Takeout
Access the google takeout site by pointing your browser to
Step 1: Select data to include
The Google products that have your data are automatically selected.
If you don’t want to download data from a product, uncheck the box beside it.
Select Next step.
Step 2: Choose file type & destination
Select the File type & size of the download
Select Create Export
Important: The file may not include changes made to your data between when you request a download and when your archive is created
Click here for Google Takeout support
More Info:
Click on your account profile picture and select My Profile
This shows many options for controlling the information and content sharing of your account.
Select Control My Content
Choose which content you want to download. Next.
Content wil be saved as .zip folders ready for download. If you have a lot of documents then the download will be split into several .zip files (each can be around 2GB)
Content will be downloaded into a folder structure that replicates your Google Drive. Documents will be converted into generic versions of the Google Doc (e.g. Google Docs will become MS Word compatible). Documents can be easily uploaded to another Google Drive account.