
Google Meet: Overview

Google Meet works like a video conference instead of a video call. The host (you) creates a video meeting space and shares that URL with the invited participants. This means anyone who has the link can join the chat (up to 100 participants with HD video).

The Meet Meeting
Students will click on the URL and will be directed to the Meet site. If they haven't done so already, they will be prompted to enable their microphone and video camera. They will be asked to add their name to their meeting profile.
The teacher will (should) be in the Meet ahead of students so that the scheduled meeting is facilitated.
For one-to-one use, that's all you need. The meet will progress like a normal video chat.

How Do I Use It
Create the Meet URL
Send the URL to the student in an email with a message that includes an instruction to click on the URL at a specific meeting time.
e.g. "Hello John! I hope things are going well. Let's talk today at 11:30am so that I can answer any questions that you have about our classwork. Click on this link so that we can video chat https://meet.google.com/hmp-ttsr-pfw I'm looking forward to seeing you at 11:30am today!"

Be in the Meet ahead of the scheduled time so that you are present when the student requests to enter.
Make sure the student leaves the Meet before you do. They should close their Meet window.
That's it.

More Than One Participant
Meet is scalable. Sharing the URL allows more than one participant but they have to be given entry permission from the host (teacher). All participants will be able to see the video stream from each other. Clicking on the name of a participant will select their video stream. There is no "private chat" function so all chats are public.

Meet has "some" features but it is not an online classroom. You are able to share your screen if you need to step through an online or digital process (you can screen cast other apps or web pages as you speak to your audience). All participants will see the shared screen. Only one shared screen is presented at a time (users are prompted to take over the presentation space if they want to present to the group). 
Users can be muted (individually) and the host (teacher) is able to remove participants from the current Meet.

Repeated Use Of Meet URL
The Google Meet URL is permanent.
If you set up a time to meet a student or group of students then when they go to the URL they will be prompted to wait to join the Meet. Participants cannot join until the host is present and gives permission to be in the Meet site.